Efficiency Upgrade
Developers solve problems. Good developers solve problems efficiently. The reward for that efficiency is [insert your preferred reward here]. Let’s assume you’re simply motivated by the satisfaction of a job well done (or maybe a promotion, a raise, longer lunch breaks, or just some extra time with your family). Whatever the motivation, the secret to solving problems efficiently is not inventing everything from scratch. Certainly the secret is not spinning your mental wheels hoping for inspiration. And most definitely the secret is not using Intellisense to arbitrarily try classes, methods, and properties until something works.
The secret to solving development problems efficiently is having the right information and the means to find the information you don’t have.
Accelerate Your Coding with Code Snippets
by Brian Noyes
One of the most underutilized productivity features in Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 is Code Snippets. Even though most developers have heard about them, I find when working with consulting customers that there are few developers who use them on a regular basis. Even if they do use them, they vastly underutilize them by only using a couple of them and never create their own. In this article, I give you a quick intro into what code snippets are, how they work, what is available out of the box, and how to go beyond that by quickly creating your own code snippets.
Code Snippets Overview
Code snippets were introduced in Visual Studio 2005 and allow you to emit a chunk of code into your editor by typing a few keystrokes (a shortcut mnemonic). I’m going to use C# for the examples in this article, but just realize that code snippets work in Visual Basic and other .NET languages as well. That chunk of code can just be a static chunk of code, but what really makes code snippets powerful is that they can have placeholders that you can quickly overtype when you invoke the code snippet.